Saturday, June 6, 2020

Catriona Grey Binawo ang naunang pahayag laban sa AntiTerroBill

The new Terrorism Act, which aims to give more teeth on the existing laws against terrorism-related activities, is a huge topic on social media right now due to its sensitivity.

Senator Ping Lacson, one of the authors of the controversial bill, earlier said that the new law was drafted after the US and Australia asked the Philippine government for stiffer penalties for terrorism acts in the Philippines.

The existing Philippine laws that tackle terrorism are considered conservative compared to that of the big countries like the US, Australia and some European countries.

It was also revealed that the recently-caught members of the highly notorious terrorist group Abu Sayyaf were only charged with regular crimes like kidnapping and murder due to lack of laws.

This is essentially concerning many lawmakers as these 'high risk' terrorists are being incarcerated together with regular inmates. There had also been reports that these terrorists have successfully radicalized and even recruited inmates to join their terroristic activities.

Catriona Gray, on her part, made a full 180 turn with her views against the new bill.

If before she was sounding like most bandwagoners on Twitter and echoing ignorant calls by select groups for the total abandonment of the new bill, Gray changed her tune to something more viable.

So what has changed?

It's most likely that she got a copy of the bill, read it herself and stopped listening to noisy, scheming media and leftist groups.

She went from #JunkTerrorBill to #ReviseTerrorBill.

It could be that many Filipinos are starting to realize the new Anti Terror Bill is not at all a bad thing.

And that there are just a few scheming leftist groups backed by powerful machinery of the media that are getting a huge boost due to more airtime allotted to them.

This latest development from Catriona prompted some responses from many netizens including prominent social media influencers like Sass Rogando-Sasot.

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